Missions Interest
Select a missions area below to learn more and sign up for more information.
Mentors show Gods' love to people struggling with unwanted sexual addictions or attractions as they are set free in Christ.
Community service, recreation and meeting needs - all used to share the good news a culturally diverse community.
Partner in their evangelistic church planting work, "Increasing Joy in Jesus among our neighbors and the world."
Evangelize and encourage prisoners as you read, review and respond to their correspondence Bible studies and letters.
Conversational English, camps and cultural activities in a place where people are slow to respond to the gospel.
Partnership with CBC students and FCA Sanderson to reach High School students with the gospel and make disciples.
Volunteers and parents evangelizing, discipling and mentoring older children to evangelize and disciple their friends.
Lovingly counseling abortion-determined women to choose life for their unborn child, and life in Jesus Christ.
Assist women released from detention to pursue a new life in Christ and a new life set free from past patterns.
Rescue horses and caring friends help children heal from trauma, and tell them of the love of Jesus the great healer.
Supporting teens with unexpected pregnancy to begin a new life in Christ as they prepare for life with their new child.
Use sports and recreation to create opportunities to evangelize in this urban setting.
Non-confrontational prayer vigils in view of local abortion clinics, training and guidance provided for each vigil.
Encourage our members sent out as missionaries and tent-makers.
Frequent, in-depth prayer request and praises from our ministry partners.
Serving refugees near the church with their needs of education, literacy, language and their need for Jesus Christ.
Ministry to daily needs: food, clothing, furniture, in a partnership that gives freedom for personal evangelism.