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Week of Mar 30

Coming This Sunday

Grant Castleberry - "Ministering Like the Master, part 2" | Mar 30

John 21:1-19

Schedule for Combined Worship and Fellowship

Sunday, March 30

Lord's Day Prayer at 8:15 am (Room D-01)

Life Groups at 9:00 a.m.

Worship at 10:30 a.m. 

Adventure Club (elementary children)  at 5:30 pm.

Student Ministry (middle and high school) at 5:30 pm.

Evening worship at 6:00.


Sunday, April 6 - Lord's Supper during morning worship

Sunday, April 13

  • 4:15 pm Children's Egg Hunt (pre-registration required)
  • 5:30 pm Fellowship Dinner (pre-registration required); no evening service

Friday, April 18 

  • Noon - Good Friday prayer service

Easter Sunday, April 20

  • 9:00 am Life Groups, 10:30 am Worship.  
  • No evening meetings or worship.

Saturday, April 26

  • 8:30 am - Men's Breakfast (registration open soon)

Children's Easter Egg Hunt

Join us for a Children's Egg Hunt on Sunday, April 13, at 4:15 pm. It will be a fun time for kids and families to enjoy fellowship and an egg hunt.

Please bring your own basket for Easter eggs. We will gather in the Fellowship Hall at 4:15 pm, and the leaders will guide the children to different locations on campus, based on age, for the egg hunt.

Pre-registration is required at this link.

Dinner Fellowship

Make plans to join us on Sunday, April 13 at 5:30 pm for a catered dinner fellowship with Christ Baptist and Capital Community Church.  Please register no later than April 9. 

Saltshakers Registration Begins April 1

The study of the book of Romans, "Discerning True Doctrine", will begin on September 16, 2025, with morning and evening classes available. Preschool and Homeschool programs are also offered in the morning.  Online registration, beginning April 1, is required at

An introductory class for newcomers to Saltshakers will be held next Tuesday, April 1 (9:45 am and 7:00 pm).  Registration is not required for the introductory class.  

If you have any questions about the morning class of Saltshakers, contact Karen Jennette.  For questions about the evening class, contact Kathryn Williams

Happy (Work) Anniversary

Thank you to Don Gelo, who has served Christ Baptist faithfully for 8 years doing room set-up and other behind-the-scenes work.

Resource Center

Visit our Resource Center at the end of the Gathering Hall to find free resources (such as TableTalk Magazine), and pamphlets you may purchase at minimal cost.  Payments should be placed in the silver lockbox on the wall to the left of the shelves.

Missions Focus - Child Evangelism Fellowship

Pray for Child Evangelism Fellowship in Raleigh. Pray for the salvation and spiritual growth of the children they serve. Pray that new churches and individuals will come forth to hold Good News Clubs. Pray for new committee members to be identified and be integrated as a part of the team. Pray for new monthly partners. 

Vacation Bible School

Mark your calendar for our upcoming Vacation Bible School.  Our four-day VBS will be held from 9:00 am until noon on Monday, June 16 through Thursday, June 19. Children who will enter Kindergarten through 6th grade in September 2025 are invited. Registration begins soon!

Birthdays This Week

Carolyn Mitchell (28th); Jayne Cummings (31st); Katherine Kane (31s); Lisa Pendergrass (April 3rd)

Last Sunday's Attendance & Contributions

Missed Last Sunday's Sermon?

Click here to watch last week's message!

Member Directory Access

Need to contact a fellow member, but not sure how?

Facility Use

For up to date event information or to request a date on the calendar/room at the church, first visit our website calendar. Please submit all calendar dates/facility requests online via the Calendared Event Request Form. All areas and rooms, including conference rooms, must be reserved in advance, to avoid schedule conflicts and for door lock/unlock and HVAC schedule to be set for you.

Calendar or Facility Reservation