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Week of Feb 23

Coming This Sunday

Grant Castleberry - "The Resurrection" | Feb 23

John 20:1-18

Stay Connected

We are on Instagram (@christbaptistraleigh) and Facebook (Christ Baptist Church)! Don't have Instagram, but want to check it out? Visit!

Schedule for Combined Worship and Fellowship

Sunday, February 23 - Life Groups at 9:00 am. Morning worship service at 10:30 am. Activities for children and students will be at 5:30 pm, and an evening prayer service will be at 6:00 pm for adults.

Sunday, March 2 - Lord's Supper during morning worship.  A prayer service will be held at 6:00 pm, continuing every first Sunday evening of the month.

Thursday, March 13 - Women's Fellowship

Sunday, March 16 - Baptisms during morning worship.

Women's Fellowship

We are excited to host a ladies' potluck dinner at Christ Baptist on Thursday, March 13 at 6:15 pm. This will be a special evening of food, fellowship and Bible teaching from GraceAnna Castleberry. 

Chicken will be provided as the entree, but we ask that everyone who attends bring (in disposable containers) a side dish or dessert already plated and ready to be served.  If your last name begins with A-L, bring a side; last names beginning with M-Z, please bring a dessert. 

If your platter or bowl is not disposable, please mark your name on the bottom so you can get it back!  Each side dish or dessert should be enough for six people. 

Please register using this link

Life Groups

Additional Life Groups are now available.  In the Gathering Hall, you may pick up a list of all available Life Groups. 

Missions Focus - Refugee Hope Partners

Refugee Hope Partners is dedicated to supporting refugees through their transition, providing the resources and community they need to build a new life in our city filled with hope and opportunity. RHP is currently serving more than 400 families from 72 different countries, building relationships in the name of Christ providing opportunities to share the gospel. For more information on ways RHP is ministering to refugees, visit their website.

Birthdays This Week

Henry Kidd (21st); Caleb Gray (21st); John Pitman (23rd); Martha Payne (23rd); Natalie Riddick (28th)

Last Sunday's Attendance & Contributions

Missed Last Sunday's Sermon?

Click here to watch last week's message!

Member Directory Access

Need to contact a fellow member, but not sure how?

Facility Use

For up to date event information or to request a date on the calendar/room at the church, first visit our website calendar. Please submit all calendar dates/facility requests online via the Calendared Event Request Form. All areas and rooms, including conference rooms, must be reserved in advance, to avoid schedule conflicts and for door lock/unlock and HVAC schedule to be set for you.

Calendar or Facility Reservation