
Saltshakers Header

Saltshakers Bible Study

Bible Study, Small Group Discussion, Fellowship, and Prayer

You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again?   It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men. Matthew 5:13

We would love for you to join us on Tuesdays from September through April each year to discuss Bible lessons in small groups, participate in a brief fellowship time, and gather for a lecture by Sarah Knott. We have a morning and night program to accommodate all schedules. The morning Saltshakers program offers a children's program and home school proctoring.

We believe the Bible is the Word of God. We also believe that the study of the Bible is necessary for spiritual growth and maturity.

Our vision and mission is to reach the women and children in the Raleigh area and beyond through offering an in-depth study of the Bible. Our hope is that members will come to know Jesus Christ, listen, and mature in His Word daily.

September 2025 - April 2026

September 2025 - April 2026

Upcoming study to be announced. 

Required online registration for 2025-2026 begins April 1. 

God Changes Lives Through Saltshakers

Read the testimonies below to see how God is impacting the lives of women and children in the program.


I call it a joy and privilege to deeply delve into God’s Word each week with women from all ages and different churches. We come together in unity, to grow in the Lord, have acc......

Georgia Mae and Sarah

The Saltshakers Bible study ministry of Christ Baptist Church has ministered to, invested in, and blessed me and my children for going on 14 years now. It is so wonderful. I lov......


I was introduced to Saltshakers 6 years ago by a good friend of mine and it has been a blessing ever since. I know God is sovereign in every detail of our lives, but I am truly ......

Time and Location

Morning Program

Gathering Hall Entrance

Evening Program

7:00-8:30 pm
A & D Area Entrance

Resources and Lectures


Sarah Knott

Teaching Leader

Karen Jennette

Class Administrator
