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Week of Jul 28

Coming This Sunday

Dr. Charles Quarles -Jesus is Lord of All | Jul 28

Colossians 1:15-20

Stay Connected

We are on Instagram (@christbaptistraleigh) and Facebook (Christ Baptist Church)! Don't have Instagram, but want to check it out? Visit!

Operation Christmas Child - July Collection

Our July collection for Operation Christmas Child ends this Sunday. You may drop off quality toys, school supplies, and personal hygiene items in the Gathering Hall.  Monetary gifts toward the purchase of shoebox items are also appreciated. Make checks out to Christ Baptist Church with "OCC" in the memo line.  If you have questions, contact Jennifer Allen or Cindy Rice.

Appreciation Lunch

Reminder:  This Sunday, for those who made reservations, there will be an appreciation lunch for Dr. Quarles and his wife, Julie.  We appreciate his outstanding preaching ministry to Christ Baptist over the past 15 months. A basket will be available in which you may place gifts, cards, and encouraging notes to Charles and Julie.     

New Interim Preacher

We welcome Dr. John Compton as our interim preacher beginning Sunday, August 4. He has been a Senior Pastor for 44 years, serving churches in Texas, Tennessee, Virginia, Missouri and North Carolina. He recently retired from Mountain View Baptist Church in Hickory, NC after 12 years as their Senior Pastor. John is the son of missionary parents and grew up in the interior of Brazil. He and his wife Teresa have two married daughters.

Dr. Compton graduated from the University of Tennessee in 1979 and earned his Master of Divinity (1984) and Doctor of Ministry (1987) degrees from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.  Click  to read his testimony and to see his compete resume.   We are pleased to welcome Dr. Compton and thankful to have him with us at Christ Baptist.


Men's Breakfast

The next Christ Baptist men's breakfast will be on Saturday, August 10, 8:30 am in the Fellowship Hall.  Dr. Charles Quarles will be our guest speaker. Register and pay by August 7 at

Pastor Search Team

Pray that our Pastor Search Team will have the Lord's wisdom in selecting candidates for further discussion, Pray that each team member and each church member at Christ Baptist would not grow weary in waiting while praying and searching for the Lord's choice as our Senior Pastor.

AWANA at Christ Baptist

From our Interim Children's Director:

Some of you have been asking about the possibility of having AWANA this fall.  I will say that nothing is impossible with God.  If He chooses to raise up the following leaders, we can offer AWANA this fall:  

Commander, Recreation Director, Store Volunteer; two leaders for Cubbies (ages 3-5); two leaders for Sparks (Grades K-2); two female leaders for T&T Girls (Grades 3-6) and two male leaders for T&T Boys (Grades 3-6).  We will also need additional leaders/volunteers for each group to help with various duties.  We will need approximately 20 volunteers to begin the program.

Meetings would be held each Sunday evening from 5:00 - 7:00 pm, September through May with the exception of a few holidays.  

AWANA is probably the most effective tool available to reach children and families with the Gospel. Statistics show that 70 percent of the children that go through AWANA stay in church as adults. 

If you have questions or feel God calling you to volunteer, contact Tillie Turlington.

Love Offering for Duke family

Christ Baptist will accept contributions for a love offering for Andy Duke and family only  through next Wednesday, July 31.  Andy Duke is the pastor of our church plant, Christ Church Windsor, in Colorado.  Be sure to designate on your offering that is for A. Duke Love Offering.

Missions Prayer Focus - Gateway Women's Care

Gateway Women's Care is a faith-based non-profit committed to serving women and men in the Triangle since 1984 by providing medical, educational and support services and resources related to pregnancy and sexual health without condemnation. Along with other services, Gateway offers both pre- and post-abortion care and counseling, and free pregnancy diagnostic and ultrasound testing. Pray that many women would seek the help offered through Gateway, including many college students that we serve. Pray that clients would continue to receive comfort and care through the available services. 

Member Class

Join us each month on the first and second Sundays for our two-session Member Class.  Class #1 will be on August 4, Class #2 will be on August 11, both in Room A-03 at 9:00 am. You are welcome to attend simply to learn more about Christ Baptist Church, or if you would like to pursue membership.  Both classes are required for membership, but do not need to be taken in order.  

Music Ministry Recruitment

Beginning on Sunday, August 4, we host our annual Music Ministry Recruitment Month.  This is an easy way to learn more about and to sign up for opportunities available for your participation in our Music Ministry. Visit the designated table in the Gathering Hall any Sunday in August to discover how you can join the Worship Choir, Worship Orchestra or Handbell Choir. 

Info Meeting - Children and Youth Choirs

On Sunday, August 18 immediately after worship, we will have an informational meeting about the startup and choosing rehearsal times for a Children's Choir and a Youth Choir.  Margot Hafner will be leading these choirs beginning the week after Labor Day.  The choirs have already been asked to sing in the church Christmas program and in worship services.  Please join us on August 18 in the K Assembly Room (children's worship room). 

Christmas in August

The Worship Choir's annual Christmas in August workshop will be held on Friday evening, August 23, and Saturday morning, August 24.  This workshop is for the Choir to begin learning Christmas music for Christ Baptist's Christmas program in December.  Join the Worship Choir at any time by attending a Wednesday evening rehearsal.

Birthdays at CBC

Click below to see who has a birthday this week.

Last Sunday's Attendance & Contributions

Saltshakers Fall Bible Study

Saltshakers Ladies’ Bible Study invites you to join us for our new study starting on September 17, "Are You Ready to Meet Jesus?" We will study 1 John, James, selected Psalms and 1 & 2 Thessalonians.  Morning and evening classes are available with preschool and homeschool programs offered in the mornings. Online registration is required via our website. Click Saltshakers and scroll down the page to registration. Have questions? Contact Karen Jennette at or (919) 740-2021.

Missed Last Sunday's Sermon?

Click here to watch last week's message!

Member Directory Access

Need to contact a fellow member, but not sure how?

Facility Use

For up to date event information or to request a date on the calendar/room at the church, first visit our website calendar. Please submit all calendar dates/facility requests online via the Calendared Event Request Form. All areas and rooms, including conference rooms, must be reserved in advance, to avoid schedule conflicts and for door lock/unlock and HVAC schedule to be set for you.

Calendar or Facility Reservation