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Week of Feb 9

Coming This Sunday

Grant Castleberry - "A Call to Holiness" | Feb 9

1 Peter 1:13-21

Stay Connected

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Schedule for Combined Worship and Fellowship

Combined worship and fellowship at Christ Baptist Church with Capital Community Church has begun.  Please plan to join us!

We will have Life Groups each Sunday at 9:00 am, including new classes provided by Capital Community Church.  Rev. Grant Castleberry will preach during worship.

Sunday, February 9 - Morning worship service at 10:30 am. No evening service or activities.

Sunday, February 16 - Morning worship service at 10:30 am.  Adults, youth and children will enjoy a Fellowship Meal at 5:30 pm. Dinner reservations now open. No evening worship or other activities.

Sunday, February 23 - Morning worship service at 10:30 am. Activities for children and students will be at 5:30 pm, and an evening prayer service will be at 6:00 pm for adults.

Children's Worship Change

Our children's worship program is for children who are in kindergarten and first grade.  Children's worship will now begin at 10:30 am, rather than having the children dismissed prior to the sermon. Please take your child to the K-Wing Children's Area and pick up your child immediately after the worship service is over. (Children in second grade and above remain with parents in the Worship Center during the entire service.)

NC Baptist Singers and Orchestra Concert

You are invited to a concert by the North Carolina Baptist Singers and Orchestra at 6:45 PM at Trinity Baptist Church on February 10.  Arrive early, as the Sanctuary is usually filled The NCBSO is made up of Ministers of Music, worship leaders, church staff and leaders, and musicians from all over North Carolina. There are around 120 in the group. Kenny Lamm is the Music & Worship consultant for the N.C. Baptist Convention, and is the Director of the NC Baptist Singers.

Missions Focus - Super Bowl Outreach

Please pray for CBC members Sean and Elisa Keefe as they travel to New Orleans to support Sports Fan Outreach International's Evangelistic Outreach to those in town for the Super Bowl. Pray they will have opportunities to witness for Christ, to encourage hearts already touched by the Spirit, and to truly be fishers of men. They will be members of a team of 10+, preaching Christ to the fans and local citizens at various locations in New Orleans. The teams will minister 7-8 hours per day, Friday through Sunday, and minister personally to the fans and local citizens and refer them to a Bible teaching church for discipleship. Pray that many will come to the saving knowledge of Christ during this event.

Fellowship Meal

Christ Baptist and Capital Community Church will hold a combined meal in the Fellowship Hall on Sunday, February 16 at 5:30 pm.  Plan to come to get to know one another!  Please register how many in your family plan to attend the meal.

Life Groups

Additional Life Groups are now available.  In the Gathering Hall, you may pick up a list of all available Life Groups. 

Support Group

Our 13-week GriefShare support group meets on Thursdays  rom 10:00 am - noon, through Thursday, May 1.  The group is for anyone who is processing grief over the loss of a loved one or friend. You'll learn helpful ways of coping with grief and gain solid support each step of the way.

Register at this link.

Last Sunday's Attendance & Contributions

Missed Last Sunday's Sermon?

Click here to watch last week's message!

Member Directory Access

Need to contact a fellow member, but not sure how?

Facility Use

For up to date event information or to request a date on the calendar/room at the church, first visit our website calendar. Please submit all calendar dates/facility requests online via the Calendared Event Request Form. All areas and rooms, including conference rooms, must be reserved in advance, to avoid schedule conflicts and for door lock/unlock and HVAC schedule to be set for you.

Calendar or Facility Reservation