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Georgia Mae and Sarah

Georgia Mae and Sarah

The Saltshakers Bible study ministry of Christ Baptist Church has ministered to, invested in, and blessed me and my children for going on 14 years now. It is so wonderful. I love how it is a study of scripture based on scripture.

The questions and lectures always go back to cross referencing other passages in God’s Word, not human opinions. It is so Biblically solid, which is unique this day in age. It is great too because it feeds the new believer, as well as a seasoned Bible scholar. That mix within our weekly discussion small groups, along with the great mix of generations as well, makes our discussion of each week’s lesson so wonderful and rich.

The children’s program is an incredible gift to any child blessed to be involved in it. The same faithful teachers that taught my 16 year old when we started years ago are all the same that teach my 4 year old now. When you look up the definition of faithful servants of Christ, I’m certain each of those ladies’ pictures is by that definition. Sarah and all of the other ladies’ leaders are equally as wonderful and faithful.

Tuesday mornings are the richest investment of my time all week. I homeschool and when we look at our week as we plan each year, Tuesday mornings are marked as sacred and unavailable for anything else. There’s nothing more valuable we could do on Tuesday mornings. My 16 year old is in her 4th year with a ladies’ small group too, and that is the most valuable class she takes all week as a 10th grader. These are truths that will carry her through life. I wish every lady, mom, child chose the privilege of being a part of Saltshakers ministry. It’s a blessed privilege indeed.
